Artoka’s Translators and Editors
Kasumi Iwama, visual artist, Director of Artoka
Kasumi is a multi-disciplinary artist with a BFA from the School of Visual Arts (NY) and an MA from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar - Sede Ecuador (Cultural Studies). She is bilingual in English and Japanese, the former being her dominant language, and is also fluent in Spanish. She has worked as a studio assistant to the artist Lynda Benglis in New York, and as a gallery assistant in art galleries in Tokyo and Ecuador. She was a translator for Artoka for three years before taking on the current position. She has exhibited in several countries, and is involved in feminist activism. Lives and works in Quito, Ecuador.
Full CV.
岩間香純 アトカ代表、アーティスト
Yuria Okamura is a Melbourne-based artist whose drawing practice explores harmonic idealities through the language of geometry and diagrammatic aesthetics. Her drawings and immersive wall installations employ the symbolic quality of geometry and the arbitrariness of its interpretations to invite open-ended contemplations. Yuria completed Master of Fine Arts (Research) at The University of Melbourne in 2015 after finishing Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) at RMIT University in 2010. She has received a number of awards, scholarships and residencies including Stuart Black Memorial Travelling Scholarship, Ursula Hoff Institute Drawing Award, Lloyd Rees Memorial Youth Art Award and RMIT Honours Travelling Endowment Scholarship, The Studios at MASS MoCA (U.S.A.), Abbotsford Convent Studio Residency (Australia), Bayside City Council Residency (Australia) and Takt Artist Residency (Germany).
オーストラリアのメルボルンを拠点に活動するアーティスト。幾何学的、図式的なビジュアルランゲージを主にしたドローイングを通して、調和的な理想性を探る。幾何学の記号言語的な特性と、解釈の恣意性を適用することで、鑑賞者に主観的に意味を想像させるようなインスタレーションや平面作品を制作する。2010年にRMIT 大学 美術科 学士(優等学位) を修了後、2015年にメルボルン大学大学院 美術研究科 修士 修了。絵画賞、奨学金、アートレジデンスも数多く受賞。主な受賞歴は、Stuart Black Memorial Travelling Scholarship、Ursula Hoff Institute Drawing Award、Lloyd Rees Memorial Youth Art Award、 RMIT Honours Travelling Endowment Scholarship。レジデンスでは、The Studios at MASS MoCA (アメリカ)、Abbotsford Convent Studio Residency (オーストラリア)、Bayside City Council Residency (オーストラリア)、Takt Artist Residency (ドイツ) に参加。
Currently there are two more translators on our roster. Please contact Artoka if you would like to see their profiles.
コロンビア大学美術史・考古学学科の博士号取得候補者で。2017-18年のフルブライト大学院研究生。研究課題は日本の初期ビデオ・アートで、1960年代の10年間の抗議集会の影響において、70年代に公共空間を再考されていた状況との関係性。2012-13年にヘレナ・ルベンスティン・キュラトリアル研究員としてホイットニー美術館のインディペンデント・スタディー・プログラム(ISP)に在籍し、グッゲンハイム美術館で開催された「Gutai: Splendid Playground」展のリサーチアシスタントを務めた。 2008-10年、Art in Generalのアシスタント・キュレーターと暫定プログラム監督を経験。2013年にソウル・アート・スペース・クムチョンにキュレーター・イン・レジデンスとして参加。ライターとしてホイットニー美術館、森美術館の出版物やHyperallergic、Independent Curators International、艺术界 LEAP、Art21.comに寄稿。
Nina Horisaki-Christens is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Art History and Archaeology at Columbia University and a 2017-18 Fulbright Graduate Research Fellow. Her dissertation research focuses on early 1970s video art in Japan and its relation to re-definitions of public space in the wake of a decade of protests. She was a 2012-13 Helena Rubinstein Curatorial Fellow in the Whitney Museum's Independent Study Program and Research Assistant for "Gutai: Splendid Playground" at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. She served as Assistant Curator and Interim Program Manager at Art in General (2008-2010), and was Curator-in-Residence at Seoul Art Space Geumcheon (Korea) in summer 2013. She has contributed to publications produced by the Whitney Museum of American Art, The Mori Art Museum, Hyperallergic, Independent Curators International, 艺术界 LEAP, and Art21.com.
Natalie Hegert is a freelance art writer and editor, currently based in Lubbock, Texas. Her writing appears on Glasstire, Elephant Magazine, Artsy, ArtSlant, THE SEEN, Huffington Post, and ArtCritical, and she has written essays, reviews and op-eds for Papersafe Magazine, Dazed, Brooklyn Rail, Rhizomes, Photography and Culture, various exhibition catalogues, and other publications.
Originally from Southern California, Natalie has lived, studied, and written about art in many different global cities. During her undergraduate studies, she spent a year living in London, where she studied European history and culture, as well as a year in Japan, where she studied Japanese language, culture and art. She received her BA from Long Island University's Global College in 2007 with an area of concentration in Art and Social Change. Natalie began her art writing career in San Francisco as the City Editor for ArtSlant beginning in 2007 and then moving to Paris to serve as the ArtSlant Paris City Editor from 2008 to 2009. Following that, she relocated to New York City for graduate school, graduating in 2013 from the MA program in art history and theory at Hunter College. She served as Editor-in-Chief at ArtSlant from 2013-2014. She then returned to Southern California, living in Los Angeles for three years and covering the international art world for MutualArt, before finally moving to Lubbock, Texas, where she currently resides. She continues to write about international contemporary art and artists for various art journals and publications.
An experienced art writer and editor, Natalie has worked as an editor for Artoka since the company was established in 2012 and has contributed to many translated art texts from individual artists, art galleries and museums.
フリーランスラーター、エディター。現在テキサス州在住。Glasstire, Elephant Magazine, Artsy, ArtSlant, THE SEEN, Huffington Post, and ArtCriticalでライターとして勤め、またPapersafe Magazine, Dazed, Brooklyn Rail, Rhizomes, Photography and Culture,カタログなど、様々な媒体に寄稿している。アトカ創立当時からエディターとして所属。数多くの翻訳テキストをこれまで担当してきた弊社ベテランエディター。